About Me

I am a Prize Fellow at the University of Bath. Previously I was a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Edinburgh and at Nanyang Technological University (Singapore). I took my PhD at the University of Bristol.
Research Interests
My area of research is computer vision, with a focus on video understanding. My recent work includes adverb recognition (understanding the manner actions are performed), localised instruction generation (segmenting procedural videos and describing steps with natural language), generalised zero-shot action recognition (testing models on unseen classes). I am now focusing on interpretable models for explainable video understanding.
- 02/25. HD-EPIC is out! We release a new egocentric video dataset with highly detailed annotations
- 10/24. I’m looking for a PhD student to work on interpretable video models. More info here
- 10/24. I’m honoured to be a mentor at ECCV 24
- 09/24. Gave a talk at the Bristol Interactive AI Summer School
- 08/24. Serving as area chair for WACV 25
- 07/24. Organised the CVPR 24 workshop “What is Next in Video Understanding”
- 06/24. Serving as area chair for BMVC 24
- 05/24. Gave a talk at the University of Bath (MAD seminars)
- 05/24. Guest lecture at the University of Bath
- 05/24. Guest lecture at the University of Catania
- 03/24. Serving as area chair for ECCV 24
- 01/24. Organised the BMVA symposium on vision and language
- 09/23. Joined the University of Bath as a Prize Fellow
- 02/23. Gave a talk at the University of Tübingen
- 10/22. Outstanding reviewer at ECCV 22
- 10/22. Helped organising the ECCV 22 workshop “What is motion for?”
- 05/22. Guest lecture at the University of Catania
- 01/22. Joined the University of Edinburgh as a post-doctoral research associate
- 06/21. Gave a talk at the Machine Learning Genoa Centre
- 05/21. Outstanding reviewer at CVPR 21
- 11/20. My PhD thesis won the best 2019/2020 doctoral thesis award for the Faculty of Engineering
- 03/20. Joined NTU Singapore as a post-doctoral research associate
- 11/19. Passed my PhD viva with no corrections